The names and epithets of the Father God and Mother Goddess
From ancient times people have given different names and epithets to the Father God and Mother Goddess,thus emphasizing in Their infinite capacities just those of Their manifestations which people have needed and to which people have addressed in their prayers in certain moments of their life.
The Father God is known to people as:
High (the Most High);
King of the Gods;
King of kings;
Father of All;
Heavenly Father;
Lord of Heaven;
Master of the Heavenly Paradise;
Almighty God;
God, the Master of Destinies;
Preserver of the Earth;
Lord of the Seas and Oceans;
Master of the Elements;
God of the Solstice;
God of Fertility;
God of Nature;
God of Life;
God of Death;
God of Love;
God of Health;
God the Healer;
God of Wisdom;
Source of Knowledge;
God of Creative Work;
God of Inspiration;
God of Art;
God of Poetry;
God of Magic;
Lord of Runes;
High Shaman;
God of Warriors;
God of Heroes;
Leader of Warriors;
God of War;
God of Justice;
God of Honour;
God of Martial Art;
Great Teacher;
Courageous and many other Names.
The Mother Goddess is known to people as:
Divine Mother;
Queen of Heaven;
Mother of the Gods and Goddesses;
Mother of the World;
Mother Earth;
Mother Nature;
Goddess of Fertility;
Mistress of the Elements;
Goddess of Life;
Goddess of Death;
Goddess of Love;
Goddess of Beauty;
Goddess of Fascination;
Goddess of Inspiration;
Goddess of War;
Celestial Warrioress;
Mother of Warriors;
Mother of Heroes;
Goddess of Retribution;
Goddess of Health;
High Enchantress;
Mother of Mothers;
Patroness of Rozhanitsas;
Patroness of the Family;
Protectress of children and many other Names